вторник, 26 июля 2016 г.

How To Build Your Own SQUIRT

LOL, be truthful. Did you honestly see this post coming? People wanted to know how the tool works, but I think I can do you all one better. I’ll explain in detail how exactly it works and how to build one for yourself so you can have your very own, hell one to sell if you wanted. Would you guess there’s a demand for one? Haha Sure why not? I can’t think of a single good reason why I shouldn’t (I never considered money a good enough reason to not help people). However I would like to ask a small favor of you first. Please go to RobsTool.com and subscribe. Throughout this month we are adding a new section called “The Lab” inside the tool where we are going to be hosting a multitude of crazy and wacky SEO tools that you’ve probably never thought could exist. Even if you don’t have a membership please subscribe anyways so you can get some cool ideas for tools to build yourself. That out of the way, lets begin. 
The Premise
SQUIRT works off of a very, very simple premise. Over the span of the months you promote your websites from their infancy to well aged mongers, you make dozens of small decisions daily. All the tool does is mimic as many of those decisions as possible and boil them down to a small yes or no; true or false; boolean expression. This is just very basic AI (Artificial Intelligence) and decision making based on some data. There really is nothing complex about it. Think about the first time you promoted a website in the search engines. You looked at what you considered some factors in ranking. You saw what your competitors had that you didn’t. What was your first initial reaction? You likely thought, “how can I get what they have?” A script can’t do this of course. This is a human reaction that can’t be duplicated by a machine. However, now think about the second, fifth, tenth website you’ve promoted. Once again you looked at what your competitors had that you didn’t. From there you may have noticed your mindset changed from “how can I get it” to something like, “how did I get it before?” This a machine can do! Experience just made the difference between a decision that needs to be made and a predefined decision that sets an orchestrated path. I know this all seems overwhelming, but I assure you its all really, really simple. The trick is, just build a tool that would do whatever you would do, based on the current situation. The situation of course can be defined by what we all know and study everyday of our professional SEM lives, Search Engine Factors. So the best place to begin is there.
A List Of Factors
Since the tool will make its decisions based on stuff you consider to be factors search engines use to rank your sites, making a list of all the known factors is a big help. Sit and write down every search engine factor you can think of. Break them down to specifics. Don’t just write “links.” Write Link Volume, Link quality, links on unique domains, percentage of links with my anchor text..etc. The SQUIRT utility I released looks at 60 separate factors. So at least you have a general goal to shoot for. Come up with as many factors as possible. Once you got a good clean list of factors start figuring out a proper way to measure each of them.
Factor Measurement
How many times today did you go to a search engine and type in link:www.domain.com? That is a measure of a factor. How about site:www.domain.com? Thats another. Each of those are a factor that when explored by either going to your own site, or going to the search engines can result in some sort of figure or number you can use to calculate how your site fairs in comparison to the sites currently ranking. Let’s use an example. You go to google and you search for your keywords that you are wanting to rank for. You make a list of all the sites in the top 10 and separately do a link: command for each of their domains. You then take all those figures and average them out. That gives you a rough idea of how much “link volume” you will need to get into the top 10. You then do a link: command on your own site to see how close your site is to that figure. From there you can make a decision. Do I need to work on increasing my link volume factor or not? You just made a boolean decision based on a single factor using data available to you. It probably took you a good 5 minutes or more to make that decision. Where as a script could of made that decision for you in less than a second. Now I know you’re all just as much of a computer nerd as I am, so I don’t have to preach to you about the differences in efficiency between yourself and a machine, but at least think about the time you would compound making these very simple decisions for each and every factor on your list for each site you own. There goes a good five hours of your work day just making the predictable yes or no decisions on what needs to be done. This sounds ridiculous of course, but I’d be willing to bet that at least 90% of the people reading this post right now spend most of their time doing just that. Ever wonder why most search marketers just trudge along and can’t seem to get anywhere? Now you know.
Making The Decisions
Okay so let’s take an example of a factor and have our script make a decision based on it. We’ll look at the anchor text saturation factor. We look at our inbound links and find all the ones that contain our anchor text versus the ones that don’t and only contain some similar words somewhere else on the page(most other documents). We then make a percentage. So we’ll say after looking at it 30% of our inbound links contain our exact anchor text. We then look at our competition. They seem to average 40%. Therefore our script needs to follow a promotional plan that increases our percentage of links that contain our exact anchor text. Very good, we’ll move along. Next we’ll look at inbound links that don’t contain our anchor text but contain our keywords somewhere in the document. Looking at our site we seem to average about 70%. Our competition seems to average about 60%. So we are doing much better than our competition. Therefore our script doesn’t need to increase our links that doesn’t contain our exact anchor text but do have relevant text. Wait, did I just contradict myself? These two factors are complimentary. So the more our tool increases one factor the further the other one drops. Wouldn’t this throw our promotion through some sort of infinite loop? Yes I did contradict myself and Yes it would put our promotion through an infinite loop. This is called on going promotion. The fact is THEY rank YOU don’t. Therefore you have to keep improving the factors you lack until you do rank; even if they seem to almost contradict each other. By the end of the analysis your script ends up with a long list of DO’s and a long list of DON’T NEED AT THIS TIME. So now all you have to do is use your own experience and your own site network to make all the DOs happen to the best of it’s abilities.
Establishing A Promotional Plan
So now that we have a list of all the stuff we need to improve with our site we can program our SQUIRT script to just simply do whatever it is we would do to compensate for our site’s shortfalls. To give you a better idea of how to do this and how SQUIRT handles these exact situations, I’ll take 3 example factors and let you know exactly what it does when you hit that submit button. However keep in mind, no matter how much information you gather on each site, every promotional situation is unique and requires a certain amount of human touch. The only thing you can do is define what you would do in the situation if you had no prior knowledge of the site or any extenuating circumstances. Also keep in mind that you have to remain completely hands off. You don’t have ftp access to their site, you can’t mess with their design. So anything you do has to be completely offsite SEO. Also, anything you do can’t hurt the site in anyway. Every plan needs to be 100% focused on building, and any method of promotion that may possibly cause problems for them, even if you plan on only running throw away black hat sites through the tool, needs to be 100% positive. So if you want to go get links. You need to do it within your own network of sites. You can’t go out sending spam comments or anything.
Page Rank
Your Site: PR 2
AVG Competitor: PR 3
Decision: Increase Page Rank
The Plan: Create a network of very large sites. Since pagerank can be gathered internally just as easily as from external sources. Than you need to build a network of sites with lots and lots of indexed pages. Take a look at the current volume of sites you plan on running through your SQUIRT tool and decide how big you need to build your network before hand. When we decided to make SQUIRT public, even though not all the sites would require a Page Rank increase we knew a TON would. We launched the tool with the capability of handling 500 members. So we knew that 500 members, submitting 10 sites/day with each link needing to hold on a single page for at least a week, could result in needing 150,000 links available to us each week. If each link was on a page with a PR 1 than each page would send a tiny page rank increase to the target link. Likewise if each indexed page had a PR1 and we put five links up on each page, than each page would give out even more page rank through the links. There is a point of saturation of course. We decided 10 was good for each page. So we could get the maximum amount of pagerank sucked out of each indexed page while maintaining the highest possible volume of links we could spare. So if we built a network of sites that contained a total of about 1,000,000 pages indexed(you heard me), each averaging a PR1. Than we could transfer enough page rank to 150,000 links/week to constitute a possible bump in page rank to each link. For your own personal SQUIRT of course you don’t need nearly that volume. However make sure to preplan ahead because even if you make a 1 million page site, it doesn’t mean you will get 1 million pages in the index. So may have to build quite a few very large sites to reach your goals. This of course takes time and lots of resources.
Anchor Text
Your Site: 30%
AVG Competitor:
Decision: We need to increase the number of links that contain our exact anchor text.
The Plan: Now since the tool can’t directly affect the site than we can’t exactly go to every inbound link the site has gotten and figure out a way to get them to change the anchor text. There are just too many ways to gain links and its completely unreasonable to attempt. So the only way to increase the anchor text match percentage is to increase the total number of links to the site and then have them all match the anchor text. This is where you need to queue up the blogs. All you have to do is create a bunch of blogs all over, and take steps to increase the chances of each individual post getting indexed. Than you can fill the blogs with the anchor text of the site. This however is no easy task when dealing with a large volume. Since you need plenty of authority you will need to get accounts on all the major blog networks. Remember, the average blog usually has less than 5 posts/day so you will need to compensate in sheer volume of actual accounts. These will also need to be maintained and anytime one gets banned another needs to be automatically created to take it’s place. Those of you using the tool have probably already noticed links from these places showing up in your logs and Technorati links. Since we knew so many links/day would be required we had to create an absolutely HUGE network of blogs on various places as well as the automated system to create new ones if another gets buried. Once these links have been dispersed over time, the anchor text percentage will start to rise.
Deep Indexing
Your site: 3 pages in the index.
Crawl Stats: 10+ subpages identified
Decision: Need to get more bots to the subpages of the submitted site.
The Plan: So the script grabs the main page of the site and immediately sees more subpages available than are currently indexed in the search engines. This lets us know that the submitted site is having a hard time being properly deep indexed. So this is when we queue the Roll Over Sites to help get some SE bots to these subpages. There is one problem however. When dealing with my own sites it’s fine to scrape the content then redirect as detailed in the strategy that I talked about in the Power Indexing post. However since this tool will be a public one I can’t scrape peoples content because there is the odd chance that my rollover site may temporarily outrank their actual site and it could draw some anger from people who don’t know what it is. Remember the rule. The tool can’t harm the site in any way. So we had to go another route. Instead we pulled from a huge list of articles and just used that as the content then pushed the spiders to those pages then when they got indexed, redirected them to the site. These of course don’t show up as links so it’s all backend, however it does a fantastic job of getting subpages indexed. Since Rollover Sites use actual content than there is no problem making them absolutely huge. Therefore you don’t need a very large network of them to push a very large amount of bots. Yet at the same time you still have to follow the rule of no interference with their site. So if their site is having a hard time getting deep indexed and you can’t exactly ftp a sitemap over than you have to bring in a large network of Third Party Rolling Sitemaps. So what you do is, you create a network of sites that are essentially nothing more than generic sitemaps. You drive a lot of bot traffic to them on a regular basis and have them roll through pages that go through the tool. Once the tool has identified up to 10 subpages of the target site than it can add them to the network of third party sitemaps. The new pages go in, old pages go out(The technical term for this is a FIFO algorithm). If you have a solid enough network of third party sitemaps you can hopefully push enough search engine crawlers through them to get every page crawled before it gets pushed out. This of course is a huge problem when dealing with a large volume of sites. If we originally wanted enough power for 500 members than we knew that 500 members submitting 10 sites/day which each contained up to 10 subpages would mean we would need enough third party sitemaps to accommodate 50,000 pages/day. While the efficiency of a single third party sitemap site may be big, a massive network would be needed to push that kind of volume. It’s just beyond unreasonable. So instead, we incorporated a gapping system. So anytime there wasn’t a new page coming in and it had a chance to display a set of links to a SE bot for the second time than it would grab some older entries that were already rolled through and display them as well. So if you push enough crawl traffic through than eventually every page will theoretically get crawled.
Rinse and Repeat
So thats all there is to it. It’s really quite simple. As you build your SQUIRT work your way through every factor you wrote down and think about what you would do as a hands off Internet Marketer to compensate if a site didn’t meet the requirements for that particular factor. This also applies to flaws in onsite SEO. Let’s say for instance the page doesn’t have the keywords in the title tag. You can’t touch that title tag, so whats the offsite SEO equivalent to not having the keywords in the title tag? Putting them in the anchor text of course. Just keep relentlessly plugging away and build an established plan for each factor on your list. With each failure to meet a factor there is potentially a problem. With each problem there is a potential solution your script and personal site network can take care of for you. It just may require a bit of thinking and a whole lot of building. It’s tough, trust me I know but it’s worth it because in the end you end up with a tool that comes close to automatically solving most of the daily problems that plague you. Here’s the exciting part. Once you start building and going through all the factors you’ll find some you probably can’t solve. Just remember, every problem has a solution. So you may just learn a few tricks and secrets of your own along the way. Shhh don’t share them. 
Is SQUIRT Biased?
ABSOLUTELY! Think about what it uses to determine the site’s standing on it’s strengths and weaknesses. If you do a link: command there is a delay in time between what the search engine shows and what actually exists that may range up to days and weeks. This causes major problems. The tool may think you need a bunch of links when it in fact you already got plenty and they just haven’t shown up yet. It may think you have a ton of links when those links were actually only temporary or you lost them before they had a chance to disappear. Essentially the tool operates off of your site’s potential SEO worth. So lets say you have an old site that you haven’t really done anything with, then you run it through your SQUIRT. The tool will stand a much better chance of making an accurate analysis, and likewise any boosts you receive in the factors will more than likely be the right ones. Therefore it will appear as if your site just skyrocketed up simply because of one little submit through the tool. When in fact the site had that sort of potential energy the whole time and it just needed a little shove to get moving. The same could be said about an established site experiencing extremely slow growth. It fairs well, maybe even in the 60%+ range, so it appears to not need very much. Then at the same time, everything the tool does do, matters very little in the large scheme of your escalated promotional campaign. Also, the tool can only focus on one site during one phase in it’s promotion at a time. So if you got a brand new site that you submit, than the tool will naturally focus more heavily on getting the site properly indexed and less on helping it gain rank through the SERPS. So if indexing methodologies don’t completely work in that particular case than it appears as if your tool didn’t do anything at all. Remember, this is only a tool, its all artificial decision making. There is no substitution for the human touch. No matter how complex or how efficient a tool you build is, there is no way it can compete without an actual human element helping to push it. All your competitors are humans. So there’s no logical reason why you can expect to ever build a tool that is the end all solution to beating them everytime. So even though you now have a really cool tool, still remember to be hardworking, smart, and efficient…never lazy. 
Sorry about the long as hell post, but you guys wanted to know what the tool was doing when you clicked the button. Now you do, and hey…least I didn’t go through ALL 60 factors. 
Get Building

Back To The SEO

Thanks guys/gals sooooo much. This launch went crazy good. In fact it was downright record setting. 
We almost double sold out in 2mins 21 seconds. We managed to stop the registrations at about 250 members(The tool can easily handle more than that). The server looks great, even though it underwent what can easily be considered a digg effect X5. Thanks to everyone who sent in reports of anything not working. We fixed them all and a few minor changes will be made to make sure everything is in perfect working order.
Couple things:
The domain errors was a result of not being able to find the whois information for a domain. This was fixed but some bugs may possibly remain with .co.uk and .c* domains until further notice.
Most of the accounts have been activated and been made to full member status. If your account isn’t activated by tomorrow please send an email to rob [at] robstool.com with your account email and paypal email information.
If you accidentally double paid through paypal, just email rob [at] robstool.com and let us know your account email and paypal email and we’ll make sure your account gets activated and properly credited.
The analysis tool is 100% free and uses no credits. So go ahead and use it at will, if you don’t have a subscription just create a guest account and you will still be able to use it.
The bunny in the logo is my real life bunny named Roady. He’s a 4lb fully grown 5 month old dwarf rabbit. He is potty trained, loves people, and makes the best mascot ever. 
If You Missed The Registration
Send a blank email to waiting [at] robstool.com. This will automatically add you to the waiting list. Then as slots open up we will systematically move through the list on a first come first serve basis and give out invites to those next in line.
I’m always open to constructive criticisms. If you have any suggestions or feature requests definitely let me know. Any ideas to make this subscription gain value month to month is more than welcome.
Also, many people want a private forum here. This is being moled over however most of you already know that I am adamantly against people paying for SEO information. However, this place has a huge amount of very very smart readers, and I think a place where the readers here
can network with each other and share ideas privately would be great. So in the next couple days I will be opening a chatroom up. It’d also be really nice to meet some of you and get to talk to you outside of email.
Thanks so much and enjoy,
PS. Sorry for the long string of announcements. Lets get back to some SEO shall we?

Black Hole SEO: Desert Scraping

In my introduction post to Black Hole SEO I hinted that I was going to talk about how to get “unique authoritative content.” I realize that sounds like an oxymoron. If content is authoritative than that means it must be proven to work well in the search engines. Yet if the content is unique than it can’t exist in the search engines. Kind of a nasty catch-22. So how is unique authoritative content even possible? Well to put it simply, content can be dropped from the search engines’ index.
That struck a cord didn’t it? So if content can be in the search engines one day and be performing very well and months to years down the road no longer be listed, than all we have to do is find it and snag it up. That makes it both authoritative and as of the current moment, unique as well. This is called Desert Scraping because you find deserted and abandoned content and claim it as your own. Well, there’s quite a few ways of doing it of course. Most of which is not only easy to do but can be done manually by hand so they don’t even require any special scripting. Let’s run through a few of my favorites.
Alexa’s Archive.org is one of the absolute best spots to find abandoned content. You can look up any old authoritative articles site and literally find thousands of articles that once performed in the top class yet no longer exist in the engines now. Let’s take into example one of the great classic authority sites, Looksmart.
1. Go to Archive.org and search for the authority site you’re wanting to scrape.

2. Select an old date, so the articles will have plenty of time to disappear from the engines.

3. Browse through a few subpages till you find an article on your subject that you would like to have on your site.

4. Find an article that fits your subject perfectly.

5. Do a SITE: command in the search engines to see if the article still exists there.

6. If it no longer exists just copy the article and stake your claim.

See how easy it is? This can be done for just about any old authority site. As you can imagine there’s quite a bit of content out there that is open for hunting. Just remember to focus on articles on sites that performed very well in the past, that ensures a much higher possibility of it performing well now. However, let’s say we wanted to do this on a mass scale without Archive.org. We already know that the search engines don’t index each and every page no matter how big the site is. So all we have to do is find a sitemap. 
If you can locate a sitemap than you can easily make a list of all the pages on a domain. If you can get all the pages on the domain and compare them to the SITE: command in the search engines than you can return a list of all the pages/articles that aren’t indexed.
1. Locate the sitemap on the domain and parse it into a flat file with just the urls.
2. Make a quick script to go through the list and do a SITE: command for each URL in the search engines.
3. Anytime the search engine returns a result total of greater than 0, just delete the url off the list.
4. Verify the list by making sure that each url actually does exist and consists of articles you would like to use.
There is one inherent problem with the automatic way. Since it’s grabbing the entire site through its sitemap than you are going to get a ton of negative results, like search queries and other stuff they want indexed but you want no part of. So it’s best to target a particular subdirectory or subdomain within the main domain that fits your targeted subject matter. For instance if you were wanting articles on Automotive, than only use the portion of the sitemap that contains domain.com/autos or autos.domain.com.
There are quite a few other methods of finding deserted content. For instance many big sites use custom 404 error pages. A nice exploit is to dosite:domain.com “Sorry this page cannot be found” then lookup the cached copy in another search engine that may not of updated the page yet. There is certainly no shortage of them. Can you think of any others?

How To Dupe Content And Get Away With It

Let’s do one more post about content. First, consider Google’s Webmaster Blog’s post dispelling common duplicate content myths as a prerequisite read. Do I always trust what Google’s public relations tells me? Absolutely not, but it does confirm my own long standing protests against people who perpetuated the paranoia about duplicate content. So it makes a good point of reference.
The most common myth ensue with the paranoia is, “anytime I use content that is published somewhere else, I am sure to fall victim to duplicate content penalties.” This of course is bunk because for any specific terms related to an article you can show me I can find you 9 other sites that ranks for its terms that aren’t necessarily supplemental and full of penalties. However there is no doubt that there really is a duplicate content penalty. So we’ll discuss ways around it. One of my favorite parroted phrases is, “It’s not what content you use. It’s how you use it.” So we’ll start with formatting.
Here Is Some Spammy Text
Welcome to spam textville. This is just a bunch of spammy text. Text to fill and spam the streets. This is horrible spam text filled content that will surely get my spam site banned. Spam spam spam. It’s not food it’s text. Spammy text. I copied this spam text all over my site and others are copying it for their spammy text sites. I can’t believe I’m keyword stuffing for the words spammy text.
Alone in paragraph form this text is very easy to detect as spam and being autogenned. So the classic SEO ideology of “well written article style paragraphed text does well” gets thrown out the window with this example. However, since I would love nothing more than to rank for the term “Spammy Text” and this is all the content available to me I have to abandon the idea of keyword stuffing and find some new formats to put this text in that search engines will find acceptable.
How about an Ordered List?

  • Welcome to spam textville.

  • Lists and bulleted points work very well because the text enclosed is meant to be very choppy, short, and contain repetition such as My goals are, The plan is, Do this..etc. etc. If the common ordered list is formatted as such, than we by all right can do the same.
    What about presenting it as user contributed?

    Comments (3)

    John Doe:
    Spam spam spam.
    Jane Doe:
    I copied this spam text all over my site and others are copying it for their spammy text sites.
    John Deer:
    Spammy text.
    How many of you readers have left complete crap in my comments? I’m not banned or penalized yet.  Faking user contributed material works great because since it’s outcome is unpredictable therefore you can do virtually anything with it and get away. Including but not limited to inner linking.
    Mary Jane:
    I saw this wicked article about this on Eli’s blog subdomainspam.spammydomain.com/spammysubpage.html check it out!

    Break It Up Into Headings

    Heading 1

    Welcome to spam textville. This is just a bunch of spammy text.

    Heading 2

    Text to fill and spam the streets. Spam spam spam. It’s not food it’s text.
    All the keywords are there its just no longer spammy because its been broken up properly into nice little paraphrases. Once again, standardized = acceptable.
    Change The Format
    What about PDF’s? They may not support contextual ads very well but they most certain can cointain affiliate links. The engines also tend to be quite lenient on them and redundant text. For more information read my Document Links post.
    Let’s Move On
    So now that we can format our text to avoid the penalties what if we attempt to side step them all together? I talked about how to swap titles out using a thesaurus and IMDB data in my Desert Scraping post. So I won’t talk too much about it, but definitely consider doing some research on exploiting LSI in this matter.
    How about scraping the right content?
    Heavily syndicated content works well for duping and it has the added bonus of being exclusively high quality. For instance I sometimes like to snag shit from the good ol’ AP. It’s not the smartest legal move but seriously, who’s going to deeply investigate and do anything about it? In such an event its always an option to just remove the article upon receipt of the CDC letter.
    All in all, theres plenty you can do to dupe content and get away with it. It’s a pretty open game and theres a lot out there.
    Have Fun

  • This is just a bunch of spammy text.
  • Text to fill and spam the streets.
  • Link Injection Research

    Hi guys!
    Sorry I haven’t had a chance to post lately. I got some great posts coming up, I just haven’t had a chance to sit down with ‘em yet. I was going to write today but alas…I didn’t 
    So to hold you over here’s a quick five minute black hat tip
    Finding Link Injection Possibilities With Versions & Changes Logs
    Search for popular file names that include version update information and changes logs that are typically found in downloadable website scripts.
    Two good places to find them would be:
      1. Popular PHP and CGI scripts.
      2. Searching directly for the filenames.
    Check the changes and version logs and look for vulnerability fixes that happened recently. These typically mean theres a possibility for a link injection or spamming possibilities.
    Try to download the versions of the script before the bug was fixed.
    Look for the vulernability and figure out a way to exploit it.
    Search for sites using the same script and attempt to link inject on all of them.
    Avoid hacking 
    New posts coming out soon

    User Contributed - Making big $$$ with Links

    Here is a contributed post by Tobsn. He’s the dude who made the Recommend-It plugin for me awhile back.
    Making big $$$ with Links
    Over the last few month I was testing out some of the big link selling sites. I wanted to know how much they pay you, in this case me, and how easy it is to get your links sold out.
    First of all, I cut it down. I don’t like those freakin’ big postings like Eli does it, I like informations compressed into little pieces. so lets start.
    At the beginning I want to reroute the German visitors to teliad.de. It’s big and it works good. The prices are not that high as on TextLinkAds but it works fine for German sites and just btw. I don’t like linklift. Don’t ask me why, i just don’t like them. rest of Europe: sorry nothing else tested. Any hints? Write it down in the comments!
    My Test Sites
    I tested this with two very simple sites. One is a poker blog with very good bought content like a terms glossary (”full house” etc.), descriptions about the most common types of poker and similar card games and of course a few news about poker 1:1 ripped from poker news sites. The site has around 50 very unique pages. PR4. The other site i want to sell out is a German dept consulting page. You can put you ZIP or city in the search field and you get back dept consulting offices near that point ordered by range. A nice geo search site, well indexed by Google, sorted by state and city. It also has some unique content pages like a glossary etc. We’re talking about something like 50,000 pages on that site. PR5.
    Both sites are touched with sprinkles from Adsense and affiliate programs.
    Lets get to the big players: LinkWorth vs. TextLinkAds
    First, before we come to the highlight TLA, we’re talking a minute about linkworth.
    The site looks nice, the features are getting better and the concept probably works. at the end, just not for my sites. I have them in linkworth for about four month and nothing. not one sell. not one single crappy 10 cents link.
    Nothing. I played with the options, I did everything I could do but nobody wants a backlink on my sites. Probably it just happens to me and others making billions with 10 sites, I don’t know and at this point i don’t care
    Because it doesn’t worked out for me.
    Just while I was writing this someone wanted to place a link on my poker site. one link for $40. This probably saves linkworth from a bad rating. So i visited the “pending” links site to approve the link. On the next site after clicking approve next to the link, linkworth asked me that I have to choose how i build in the links. I selected the Wordpress plugin because its a Wordpress site and with a plugin I don’t have much to care about.
    The Maintenance
    After selecting the Wordpress plugin and getting the download link on the next site linkworth told me:
    “www.somepokerdomain.pl Failed - Please trying again in 24 hrs” - and the link I had to approve was gone.
    No love for linkworth. That’s all I have to say.
    Now lets talk about TextLinkAds - Where you make the big money with crap.
    TextLinksAds, yeah I like that sound. They send me so much money each month, it let Larry and Brin look like hobos.
    Compared to my richness. seriously, they pay out very good.
    In detail that means after the first month it doesn’t happens anything at all but from one day to another i sold out all 8 links and one RSS link on my poker blog in like a week and around 2 weeks for 6 links on the dept consulting page. 8 and 6 links are not sound like the big money. I thought. but i wasn’t aware of how much they get for a good, niche matching, unique content site backlink.
    Lets Put It Into Numbers
    poker - 9 links - $77
    dept - 6 links - $72
    That means one link on my dept page gets me $12 and one link on the poker site around $8.5.
    I’m impressed. I’m sold out all my links, get nice money for doing nothing. literally nothing. The best conversion I think is the poker blog.
    … and now comes the bluehat kung foo …
    I just set up a wordpress blog on a nice *poker*.com domain, trackback spammed 83 visible backlinks on google, 84 on MSN and 528 visible backlinks shows the site explorer on yahoo.com. I don’t put any effort in it. I just scraped myself a small list of trackback urls and hit the ping button. costs me around 30 minutes.
    Now Comes The Interesting Part
    A) I figured out that many, many blogs blocking trackbacks with *poker* in the title and/or url. what meant i had to use some other similar words like “card games” or “casino”. So I’m not really good “ranked” on google with major keywords. Sure i got myself a PR4 domain in like two weeks (PR update was shortly after. HA!) but I’m only have good positions with loooong terms. That ends up in not much search engine traffic.
    B) you don’t need niche relevant backlinks, probably they get you a slightly higher PR at the end but for now it just counts that you get many backlinks doesn’t care about the keyword you link because you don’t need the search engine traffic.
    C) sites with a PR higher than 3 and a serps ruling niche are selling very good at TLA. $8.5 for a crappy backlink on a not really traffic making page, with a lousy PR is, i think, awesome.
    That means, if you can get a good PR for a domain, themed for a big subject like poker or mortgage or loans or debts or whatever is overwhelmed by SEO optimized, backlink buying domains on every search engine, you can make nice money very fast.
    Lets Take A Calculator
    say we have 200 domains with the topic poker. on each we put up Wordpress, fill it with RSS news and also some bought
    Content, build in the TextLinkAds for Wordpress plugin for links sidebar and the RSS feed links. Now we get a PR4 for every domain. somehow. magical.
    we would earn with just 6 links in the sidebar, based on my $8.5 per link:$10,200
    nice, for just setting up stupid domains, doesn’t care about your own backlinks as long as they get your site a high PR…
    Just btw. If you need 30 minutes per weblog and work on it 8 hours per day you’ll need 12.5 days to set up 200 blogs. say you take a bit longer, take a month. after that month you could earn a few thousand dollars… with just keeping the PR of your weblogs stable and high as possible.

    Followup: SEO Empire Part 1

    Let’s discuss the SEO Empire Part 1 post.
    The post covered a ton of information very quickly and talked about a lot of different types of example sites for each level. But the million dollar question remains; Why the structure? Why not just stick with the proven practice of, if you throw enough mud at the wall eventually something will stick? Why not just build site after site until something makes you money? After all, that is how most Internet marketers have made it. Well the answer comes from history.
    I made a post about this time last year called Float Like A Porn Site Sting Like A Sales Page which basically talked about learning from history and the type of sites that are ahead of us in the game. I’ve always been on the fringe of the webmaster community and I’m a firm believer in that fringe websites such as Adult, Warez, Music, Poker, Pharms are years ahead of the mainstream as far as attracting traffic and conversions. So what works for them now will eventually make its way into mainstream marketing. Back in ‘97-’00 there was a trend amongst Adult, Warez, and MP3 sites to use Top Sites Lists as a method of sustaining traffic growth. At the time in order to make any headway into the niches you had to have at least 3k unique visitors/day. That was about the standard for any site within those groups to be considered semi successful. Now that differs quite a bit today but back then that made them fairly competitive. The owners of the top sites eventually figured out that the best way of propelling their growth was to create a ring of promotion. Remember those things called popups? Haha. So what they would figure out and do is, instead of creating one top sites list and heavily promoting it until it became big. They would create three. Each one would target a different but similar topic. They would manually edit the stats so the other two top sites would show up top on their list, thus getting the most traffic from incoming votes from the other sites on the lists. Then they would manually go through each top sites list they have and sign it up with dozens of other top sites list that make the closest match to their topic. After a few manual click-throughs and votes every day their ring of sites would start pulling in bottom level traffic, that bottom level traffic would more than likely go to another one of their top sites list via the list until they eventually voted out. Since most top sites list have a higher OUT traffic ratio than IN due to other traffic sources their traffic would exponentially climb amongst the small top sites network. Eventually once each top sites list started becoming super successful and getting lots of other legitimate webmasters signing up, they would slowly phase out the top sites list they manually signed up for and end up with nothing but genuine traffic. Traffic that had a tendency to get passed around their mini network mind you. Once the traffic on the promotional ring started reaching its critical mass the webmasters started looking at ways to better monotenize it. When DoubleClick (MS CPC), BabylonX (adult affiliate), and Casino Gold(gambling) banners at the top wouldn’t suffice to upkeep on the 10-20k visitors/day worth of was-then expensive bandwidth they started looking into what would be considered the modern affiliate sites. Which of course spore a boom in TGP, Webrings, and even affiliate landing pages. This, from my own experience, was the defining proof that network building works. Mostly because the webmasters that built networks back then in at least a similar fashion are still around today where as many, sad to say, poop flingers never made it past the early 2000 Internet bubble. The idea of a network works, we just have to apply it to our mainstream system of making money.
    So what exactly are the direct benefits of the foundation and basement levels of our SEO Empire? Well, theres two primary benefits. The first is the cost efficiency vs. return on the investments. Like most starting Internet Marketers its good to start out smart. While there’s the need for immediate income for personal reasons theres also the need to make the investments count for as much as possible. Growth is very important in your first year in the industry. With foundation and basement sites you get the most growth and immediate income possible while ensuring less risky investments. In other words, its immediate and sustainable money. The money, over time, also isn’t dependant on how much immediate work you put into it. The work you put in this month, will give reoccurring income next month and a year down the road. So you’re never treading water as far as growth is concerned. Forward momentum is very important no matter what level of business you’re at. So at the very least, do it because it will make you money.
    The indirect benefits aren’t as apparent without experience but are by far the most important. Every foundation and basement site you build is increasing the leverage you have for the next site. As you build the total leverage you have for your money sites increases exponentially. So breaking the cardinal rule of “Every site must pay it’s own rent” doesn’t do justice to the fact that these sites are worth a fortune down the road. Theres no bullshit when I say that and I’ll explain how it works. It begins with fundamental concepts of Entry Points (future post) and Link Building Leverage.
    Link Building Leverage
    I talked a little about Link Building Leverage in my SERP Domination post but SEO Empire takes it one step further. It actually gives you an immediate competitive standing within the niche. Theres four basic stages that make up a good link campaign. Each of which if not done results in no or dismal rankings.
    Indexing - Covers all aspects of getting into the search engines, getting deep indexed, and minimizing supplementals.
    Link Volume - The sheer quantity of links. In proportion to your competition your site must match or exceed the rest of the sites.
    Link Quality - encompasses the relevancy and authority of the inbound links.
    Link Saturation - The ratio of the volume of inbound links your site has, versus the quantity actually indexed and counting in the indeces. This was thoroughly covered in my Real Life SEO Example post and the Log Link Matching technique.
    Link Building As it pertains to difficulty

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    With the Y axis representing difficulty and the X representing rankings the graph can be stretched to fit any ratio of keyword competitiveness in regards to link building. Notice that Link Volume and Link Quality have essentially the same worth and in fact there is a blurred area between the two that allows one site with more link volume and slightly less link quality to outrank or underrank a site of inverse values. They are, essentially equal they just come in different stages of the rankings. The same could nearly be said for indexing and link saturation. When achieving a number 1 ranking you cannot discount indexing being of more value thank link saturation. Many sites don’t ever consider link saturation and thus many sites don’t achieve top rankings or have a hard time maintaining them. In other words, I kick their hippie rainbow chasing little asses.
    So What About Difficulty/Availability?
    Much like traffic curves mentioned in the SEO Empire post link building curves the same way. Indexing starts off very easy. It’s just getting your site listed with the site: command and an accurate title and description. It then starts to work into deep indexing where as the saturation levels rise the difficulty in getting more pages in increases. It then leads into removal of supplementals and peaks up in technical difficulty. This is where most webmasters start their adventures. From this point on you are an SEO Pro. YOU WILL SPEND AS LITTLE TIME ON THE INDEXING PHASE AS POSSIBLE! Amateurs spend 3 weeks to three months working on this. You need to spend as little as 10 minutes and let the rest happen. I’ve given you the tools to do it so there should be no excuses.
    Link Volume is the next phase. This phase starts off easy. There’s millions of sites and just as many link opportunities. At first its very fast moving and its easy to find a good quantity of links. After awhile though you run into what I affectionately call the Link Wall where link volume meets the beginning of Link Quality and easy to grab links start to become a little more scarce, thus the difficulty begins to climb a bit.
    Link Wall: Quote From SERP Domination
    “You got to love the supposedly nonexistent brick wall of relevant links. Dipshits on newbie forums love telling people, “don’t worry about the rankings, just build some relevant links and they’ll come.” So you do just that, after all they have over 4,000 posts on that forum, it can’t all be complete garbage advice. At first it’s totally working, you’re gaining a good 50-200 very relevant links a day. You submit to directories and score a bunch of links from your competitors. After a couple weeks you even manage to score some big authority links within your niche. Suddenly it all starts to slow down. The sites that are willing to link already have, and the rest are holding firm. You’ve just hit the Relevant Link Wall. Don’t bother going back for further advice. They don’t have any, and if they did they are too busy trying to rank for Kitty Litter Paw Prints to help.”
    That essentially, in more colorful wording, describes the Link Wall.
    So when you’re entering the Link Quality phase at first its difficult. You’re new so very few well established and ranked sites want to link to you. You have to scrounge around and dig for relevant links. Eventually though, your site becomes established and more and more webmasters in the niche start to recognize it and link to it. Very much the same thing happens to blogging. Eventually you break through and you’re on a downhill coast to rankings.
    Suddenly though you reach around the top 10 area and things start to get competitive. You can’t move up without shoving someone else down. They all have the same essential links as you and quite a few older ones that you don’t. You can make up in link volume but you need one last push to drive you to the top and maintain it. Thats where the last phase Link Saturation enters the field. If you can become more efficient in your link building you stand a much better chance of defeating them.
    This process is essentially what common Internet Marketers have to go through every single time they release a new project. They are in a constant battle to get indexed, acquire link volume, scramble over the link wall and get some link quality then make those links count just to rank. This is why new sites take nearly a year to show their true potential, its a long hard battle with each and every one to get the resources necessary to compete. When you’ve been in the business as long or longer than I have you’ll be the first to testify that this…shit…gets…old. Throwing mud at a wall hoping something will stick is fine, but when it takes that much time consuming effort on every throw it’s easy to see why people drop out of the game so fast. Welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?
    There is an easier way and that’s what I’m trying to get at with the first part of the SEO Empire post. Not only is it easier, better, but every step is also 100% profitable while you’re doing it. It may not be a gigantic shortcut like every aspiring Internet Marketer dreams of but it is in all essentials the primary plan of most SEO Pro’s for a very good reason. The resources are recyclable. Let’s talk about resources and how they play into the ranking phases. Here are a few I’ve given you….
    The Applications Of Resources

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    So in my SEO Empire post you can see what I was talking about when I said all my previous posts lead into that strategy. Throughout this blog I’ve given several methods of automatically skating through each and every stage of SEO that determine top rankings. So when you create a new site you no longer have to start from the beginning. In a sense you can nearly skip the entire process that takes most webmasters months to years to accomplish. Instead, when you enter a new niche, you start at the top of the Link Wall and only have to do the absolute minimal work to achieve the rankings. So with my basement and foundation levels of my SEO Empire where do I start each site in respect to my competition? Where does my personal involvement end?
    Link Building Process After SEO Empire

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    Thats quite the workload difference ain’t it? I’d say so. Calling it an easier shorter way is the understatement of the fucking century. I can build a site, launch it, spend a couple hours getting some relevant links from the competition or parallel competition (I’ll explain in a future post) and within the same day as the launch my brand new site instantly has everything it requires to achieve a top ranking. I’ve literally done six months to a years worth of work in a single day. It may take a couple months for the actual rankings to happen but it’s all automated, I don’t have to worry about it or check up on it. I’m off to my next project. Meanwhile my competition is working everyday struggling to keep up with me. To them I end up looking like some kind of sleep deprived SEO juggernaut, when the reality is I spent so little time on the site I didn’t even have a chance to memorize the domain. Let’s jump to some questions….
    Why Build Up? Why Not Down?
    I normally don’t check my Technorati very often but the other day I caught a very interesting one. Someone plans on writing an article similar to my SEO Empire Part 1 except teach people how to build a money site, then build the foundation and basement below it. It’s essentially the same concept except you can jump straight to money sites. Here’s the problem with that. Look at the chart above. That allows me to accomplish the requirements for any new site in a single day. If you build money sites then build downward it would take several days to a week or two worth of work to get what you were needing with every site launch. It kind of defeats the purpose and isn’t practical in the long run. The second point being is the speed at which you’ll be adding new money sites. No point in building a foundation or basement site for the sole reason of promoting a single money site, so every one you build you have to look back through your other money sites and add them in as well to your new foundation and basement site. Management of foundation and basement sites are easy, management of money sites becomes increasingly difficult the larger your empire grows. I’m still looking forward to reading the post though. 
    How Do You Manage Your Foundation and Basement Sites?
    I was fortunate enough to preplan my empire through lots of premeditation and previous experience. So I developed a centralized system that allows for easy management. Every page I create with my database sites, hosted blackhat, spammed blackhat etc. etc. I put in a database call to a single table that holds all the pages of every site I make and a list of links with each one. When I create a new database site I loop through all the pages and give them a number (primary key ids), i make a small note of their keywords. Such as in my example I said a certain page would have the keywords Remax Real Estate In Portland Oregon. The keywords that would be inserted into the link inventory database would be Remax,real,estate,portland,oregon. The same goes with my cycle sites, the .htaccess goes to a script that gives the error message -Keywords- Sorry this site has been shut down due to terms of service violation -sincerely DoucheHosting Inc. -ads- (hehe still gotta make the money). Then the script pulls from the cyclesite database that also has its keywords. If it gets assigned a site it then does a 301 perm redirect to that site instead of displaying the error page. So whenever I create a new money site, all I have to do is enter my dashboard, put in its keywords, url, anchor text, and specify how many links I want. It’ll come up with list of all the pages/cycle sites that have a relative match to the keywords along with a count of how many total links. I select as many or all that I want, then if I want any more I can go through and select irrelevant ones for as much as I need, or specify alternate keywords that’ll work as well, such as land, homes, garden, pets or some shit along those lines. Building thousands of links becomes a 5 minute job.
    How Long Did It Take You To Build Your SEO Empire?
    It took me about a year to get it up to the level I’m happy with. It wasn’t a big deal, because during that entire year and process I was making money. The foundation and basements have been very successful for me and continually brought me in bigger and bigger checks every month (rule #2). So it was not some rough time I had to bear through. I’m also always building on my SEO Empire. I treat it, much like it is, a 9-5 job. If you already have a 9-5 make the SEO Empire your 7pm:9pm job. Hell 1am-5am job. It doesn’t matter. The reality is, you can build a respectable and workable foundation and basement within only one month. Then as you get more time and more money just keep building it outward (rule #3). It’s an ongoing process. If you’re new to it, try building one of each type of site mentioned. You can have that done by the end of the week. Once you got the initial ones built, by recycling much of the code you can have 9 more of each type built by end of next week. It’s all very easy and quick once you sit down and actually do it. I’m not writing this shit out of vanity ya know  I want you to actually accomplish it.
    How Long Should I Spend On My Foundation Sites?
    The best advice I can give you. Make your first one absolutely beautiful. Be proud of it, get a few opinions from your IM friends (rule #4). As you build more you’ll quit caring and you’ll get sloppier and sloppier. You’ll see the same results but that template pack you started using will start wearing thin and you’ll start going for the easier to change templates. You’ll still always have that prideful one to show your affiliate managers and the volume to match. Most importantly I say this because the more time and thought you invest in your first site the less problems you’ll run into on your second.
    Help! I Don’t Have Access To SQUIRT! And You Just Mentioned It In That Little Chart Thingy.
    I did a post on How To Build Your Own SQUIRT. I didn’t post that immediately after the launch to brag or deter people from signing up. I want people to build it, if you read Blue Hat regularly it shouldn’t be some big secret on how it works. I laid it out for you in plain English, there it is. A lot of people have the skills but not the financial resources, its not their fault and we were all there at one point. If that’s you, read the post and go for it buddy. If you run into something you’re unsure of email me and I’ll see if I can help you through it (rule #4). Just don’t let a little set back deter you from your goals.
    Adsense Is A Possible Footprint. Everything Is Ruined Before I Even Made My First Site! My Empire Is Crumbling!
    *stares blankly at Kenneth*………*hands him a Problem Solving For Dummies book and a red pill*
    You’ll be alright buddy